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OOTD 26.09

>> Monday, September 26, 2011

Just something easy and nice for school.


busy life

>> Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hey! Long time no see, uh? School is grazy right now. So much homework that i barely have any free time. But it still love it because my classmates are so cool and all the teachers are just so nice. And although french is really hard i still love it. Life is beautiful!

Lately i have been playing around with my camera a lot. Here are some results:


Goodies from Brussels

>> Monday, September 12, 2011

Hey dolls! My mom just got back from Brussels, she was visiting her friend. Ofcourse she bought something for me, while she was there.

That´s the easiest way to wear summer dresses in autumn. Just add some black tights and a blazer.


First day

>> Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello my darlings! So today was my first day at a new school. Everything is ok but i can say already that i´m gonna miss my friends sooo much :( Ok so that´s what i wore:

 After school some my frineds came over and we took some pictures.

Trying to pose and look like a dumb blonde :D:D:D