Fashion, food, men, shoes, make-up, hair and much more...

Being busy

>> Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hey! Sorry for the the no-posting. My life has been so crazy lately. Sorry sorry sorry! Right now i´m on my fall break and i have some free time.

 Foxes, foxes, foxes!
 The best freakin class ever, no kidding!
 The official suit-up day.
 These are the boots i stoled from my mother. Dont you just love them?

 The best grandmother in the whole word.

My sister´s hubby turned 25. The first cake is just hilarious, dont you think?


OOTD 26.09

>> Monday, September 26, 2011

Just something easy and nice for school.


busy life

>> Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hey! Long time no see, uh? School is grazy right now. So much homework that i barely have any free time. But it still love it because my classmates are so cool and all the teachers are just so nice. And although french is really hard i still love it. Life is beautiful!

Lately i have been playing around with my camera a lot. Here are some results:


Goodies from Brussels

>> Monday, September 12, 2011

Hey dolls! My mom just got back from Brussels, she was visiting her friend. Ofcourse she bought something for me, while she was there.

That´s the easiest way to wear summer dresses in autumn. Just add some black tights and a blazer.


First day

>> Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello my darlings! So today was my first day at a new school. Everything is ok but i can say already that i´m gonna miss my friends sooo much :( Ok so that´s what i wore:

 After school some my frineds came over and we took some pictures.

Trying to pose and look like a dumb blonde :D:D:D



>> Wednesday, August 31, 2011

 I was in the cooking mood today. And that´s what turned out.
 My pathetic attempt to write "The sinner". Failed, big time but i dont care, it still tastes good.
 Only getting worse...

 I didnt get any sleep last night so i made this. I dont know if i like it or not. What you think?


Early fall

>> Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Horrible picutre but i´m so in love with this ring.


Tag get to know me!

>> Monday, August 29, 2011

  1.  Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? Hmm i have to say yes, but i´m not really romantic person so i wont go crazy about it.
  2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress? Short party dress for sure.
  3. Are diamonds a girl's best friend? Yes but i just dont own any yet. :D:D
  4. Is your hair up or down today? Even though i´m just home chillin its still down.
  5. Do you straighten your hair? No. I care too much about my hair to do that. And i naturally have really straight hair.
  6. Favorite mascara? Dont have one. I´m quite happy with my natural eyelashes, they´re long enough so i just need something what´ll make them darker. And any mascara will do that.
  7. Do you get your nails done? No.
  8. Small or large purses? 100% large. Small purses just wont do the job(and my make-up bag is like huge).
  9. Jeans or sweats? Jeans.
  10. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? Yes but thats the price of beauty. :)
  11. Do you text message a lot? Not at all. Maybe like 2-3 times a month. I prefer calling.
  12. Whats your favorite color? Black.
  13. Heels or flats? I´m a total heel girl. Heels rule and thats a fact.
  14. Would you ever leave the house without makeup on? Uuhm yes when i go for a walk or just shopping for groceries. But not when i´m going to meet my friends or going to school.
  15. Walmart or Target? Hahaha, i have never been neither of these. Cmon people i live in Estonia :D:D
  16. Do you think lip gloss is the best!? No, i usually dont even use it.
  17. Do you own any big sunglasses? Yes but i just lost my favourite pair :(
  18. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 30-45 minutes. But thats with eating and brushing teeth.
  19. Gold or silver? Gold
  20. Do you like to wear dresses? Yes but i dont do it very often.
  21. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy? Nope.
  22. Do you like to hold hands? Yes, but again not very often and very long time.
  23. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? I notice everything but i have a weakness for tall guys.
  24. Do you like making eye contact? It depends, sometimes i do sometimes i dont.
  25. Would you kill for chocolate? No. I like chocolate but i dont love it. I prefer salty things.
  26. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? 5. When i shop, i shop till i drop. Just hanging in malls and not really buying anything isnt for me.
  27. Do you yell a lot? Yes. I have a crazy big family. :D
  28. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? Never.
  29. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? Nope. Thats just not me. I want a guy who likes me.
  30. What makeup could you not live without? I could live without everything. Ok maybe not without food and air but thats not the question. Maybe a foundation?
  31. Do you fall in love easily? Oh yeesh. I also fall out love easily.
  32. Do you have cramps? Yes but thats why pain killers were made.
  33. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever? No, i have 3-4 really close and good friend.


Byebye summer 2011!

>> Sunday, August 28, 2011

So summer is pretty much over. It was superbusy, but still fun and a lots of things happend: my graduation, my sister´s wedding, moving etc.
Some pictures how my summer was:

But still can´t wait for the school to start again. New school, new classmates. Just new start.